Huawei deeply participated in the 2023 Expo, enabling the high-quality development of Jiangsu’s digital economy.

    From October 20th to 23rd, 2023 World Internet of Things Expo (hereinafter referred to as "Expo") was held in Wuxi. As an exhibitor of the Expo, Huawei deeply participated in this Expo and actively contributed to the high-quality development of Jiangsu digital economy.

    Xue Ming, vice president and chief information officer of enterprise BG of Huawei Company, pointed out in the keynote speech at the main summit of the Expo that in the era of Internet of Things, Huawei has built an open IOT agent technology architecture, including intelligent perception, intelligent connection, intelligent hub and intelligent application, so that enterprises can perceive, think, evolve and have temperature. Huawei’s IoT strategy focuses on the four basic bases of the Internet of Things, and completes three connections to accelerate the digital transformation of the industry. Huawei has created a standard language for equipment interoperability through open source Euler and HarmonyOS operating systems. Work with many partners to upgrade the industry and support the ecological construction of the Internet of Things.

   Giving wisdom to all industries: the prosperity and development of artificial intelligence industry

    The launching ceremony of Wuxi Artificial Intelligence Collaborative Innovation Base was held at Shengteng Artificial Intelligence Summit Forum and Huawei China 2023 (Wuxi) Summit. As the "No.1 Project" of Science and Technology City this year, Wuxi Artificial Intelligence Collaborative Innovation Base focuses on the core track areas such as artificial intelligence computing power, algorithms and applications, providing a solid computing base for the construction of smart Wuxi and providing surging power for the accelerated development of digital economy.

    Fu Yan, general manager of Huawei’s Jiangsu government and enterprise business, said that the launch of Wuxi artificial intelligence collaborative innovation base will play a positive role in pulling industrial agglomeration and helping industrial upgrading, mainly in the following three aspects: First, empowering Wuxi semiconductor, Internet of Things and other traditional industries; Second, expand the AI industry: through computing infrastructure, cooperate with local enterprises in scientific research and innovation, and expand the output value of local artificial intelligence; Third, high-quality new infrastructure: build a highland of artificial intelligence computing power in the Yangtze River Delta, incubate Wuxi Yongzhong Office Model and Wuxi Chuanhai University Model, and seize the leading edge in the development of artificial intelligence industry.

    Many heavy ceremonies and signing activities were also held at the scene. Wuxi Liangxi Science and Technology City signed a contract with 16 enterprises, and reached a cooperation with Taihu Laboratory of Deep Sea Science and Technology on the large-scale model of ship-sea intelligent application. At the same time, certificates of artificial intelligence were issued to 10 enterprises to promote the prosperity of the artificial intelligence industry.

   Digital Jiangsu: Huawei Helps High-quality Development of Digital Economy

    Fu Yan, general manager of Huawei’s Jiangsu government and enterprise business, and Qiu Heng, CMO of Huawei’s China government and enterprise, shared the digital development achievements of Huawei’s government and enterprise in Jiangsu at the 2023 Digital Jiangsu Media Communication Meeting of Huawei’s China Tour.

    Fu Yan said that since the establishment of Nanjing Research Institute in 1999, Huawei has been rooted in Jiangsu for more than 20 years and continues to contribute to Jiangsu’s goal of being strong, rich and beautiful. In 2016, the People’s Government of Jiangsu Province and Huawei deepened their strategic cooperation, which opened up comprehensive and in-depth cooperation between the two sides. At present, in many fields such as digital government, digital industry and digital society, the cooperation between the two sides has achieved phased results. Based on the two research institutes in Nanjing and Suzhou, Huawei has continuously made breakthroughs in data communication, cloud computing, storage and other fields. In terms of smart cities, Huawei, as a partner of Nanjing’s "one network unified management" city, has created a new model of digital transformation, shifting the departmental governance dominated by vertical lines with strong inertia to a massive event-centered platform governance, and realizing "efficient handling of one thing". In terms of intelligent manufacturing, Huawei has joined hands with partners to help more than 7,000 enterprises in the province realize digitalization and intelligence from R&D, production, supply, logistics to sales based on technologies such as connectivity and cloud computing, and cooperated with enterprises such as Qiu Ti Technology and Hualan to jointly release new value in the industry and move from manufacturing to "intelligent manufacturing".

    Qiu Heng pointed out that Huawei not only helps the digital transformation of the government and large enterprises, but also goes deep into thousands of industries to help the digital transformation of small and medium-sized enterprises. Facing the commercial market, Huawei put forward the slogan "Huawei, your digital partner". First, the ability is supported by us. Huawei’s team covers 13 cities and 95 districts and counties in Jiangsu Province, and the resources are allocated by industry. At the same time, the exhibition cars of Huawei’s commercial market are also opened to various districts and counties, so that all kinds of customers in districts and counties can experience Huawei’s digital ability and practice nearby. Second, a good business environment is around, and Huawei advocates the "partner+Huawei" open cooperation system; Third, marketable products and solutions are around. Huawei’s product line has created products suitable for the digital transformation of small and medium-sized enterprises and scene solutions suitable for the local market. It has joined partners such as Jiahuan and Kunzhitai to build a partner solution and support service center.

    Facing the distribution market, Huawei established the sub-brand of "Huawei Kunling" to build a healthy and orderly distribution partner system and accelerate the digitalization of small and medium-sized enterprises. In Jiangsu distribution market, Huawei puts forward that "Kunling" is promising, "Su" writes about the future, and cooperates with excellent distributors to build a healthy distribution system, continuously empower partners and expand the blue ocean with partners.

   Huawei in Jiangsu: Integration and Empowerment Towards a Better Life

    During this Expo, the "Huawei in Jiangsu" booth was fully unveiled, presenting a vivid practice and a new scene of smart life for Huawei to help build a digital Jiangsu.

    In the theme area of "Everything can be connected", Huawei demonstrated Datacom intelligent cloud network, which can realize flexible scheduling and efficient utilization of network resources. High-quality industrial internet, which closely connects industrial production with the internet through digital technology. In the theme area of "accelerating intelligence", Huawei demonstrated its layout in Wuxi, the construction of urban agents, the practice of intelligent manufacturing and smart factories, and the solutions of smart office. In the theme area of "decision-making can be calculated", Huawei demonstrated Kun Peng’s scenario-based solution, providing comprehensive computing solutions for various industries. In the theme area of "Application Modelability", Huawei Cloud Pangu Model has become the focus. Facing the future, Huawei Cloud will take Shengteng AI cloud service as the computing base, and work together with partners and developers to build a "hundred models and different states". At the same time, Huawei also demonstrated the Huawei cloud everything service and software development production line.

    Facing the future road of scientific and technological innovation, Huawei will explore new technologies, new models and new applications with its partners, build a prosperous scientific and technological ecology together, make use of its own technological advantages and rich industry experience, stand on the existing solid foundation, help improve the digital level of various industries in society, and make greater contributions to the economic development and social progress of Jiangsu Province. (Wang Yujing)